On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 01:25:31PM -0400, Anthony Damico wrote:
# MonetDB 5 server v11.17.21 "Jan2014-SP3" # Serving database 'demo', using 8 threads # Compiled for x86_64-pc-winnt/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically linked # Found 7.860 GiB available main-memory. # Copyright (c) 1993-July 2008 CWI. # Copyright (c) August 2008-2014 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved # Visit http://www.monetdb.org/ for further information # Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb:// # MonetDB/JAQL module loaded # MonetDB/SQL module loaded
I added the missing interface to the Jan2014 branch. Niels -- Niels Nes, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands room L3.14, phone ++31 20 592-4098 sip:4098@sip.cwi.nl url: http://www.cwi.nl/~niels e-mail: Niels.Nes@cwi.nl