Hi all, Does monetdb support window functions? I found https://www.monetdb.org/pipermail/users-list/2011-June/004992.html, which claims that OVER is supported, but: * I can't see where support is listed on http://www.monetdb.org/print/book/export/html/63 * I get errors when I try and use window functions: sql> SELECT *, MAX("AB") OVER (PARTITION BY "playerID") AS "_W4", MAX("G") OVER (PARTITION BY "playerID") FROM "Batting"; SELECT: function 'max' not found But that might be because I don't have the syntax right (but that query works in Postgres) Are there are any plans to add standard window functions like rank, ntile, lead, lag etc to monetdb? They are pretty useful for analysis. Hadley -- Chief Scientist, RStudio http://had.co.nz/