15 Jan
15 Jan
3:44 p.m.
Hi, I am trying to build MonetDB on windows, and so far I have successfully built 'buildtoos' and 'MonetDB' from the CVS. Now I'm trying to build 'clients' without PHP or PERL, but I'm having difficulties. The documentation says that only Phyton is required, however, I still get build errors related to perl and php dependencies. I do not set HAVE_PERL=1 or HAVE_PHP=1, and therefor expect the build not to rely on them. Am I missing something? Is there something else I need to do in order to build this project? -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Building-clients---php-and-perl-dependencies-tp2148020... Sent from the monetdb-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.