On 22-09-2008 23:05:55 +0200, Fabian Groffen wrote:
> On 21-09-2008 16:40:22 -0500, Ross Bates wrote:
> > I haven't made any changes to the default settings for merovinigian,
> > here they are without comments:
> Ok, thanks.
> > As for your question about the type of query, unfortunately I can't
> > reproduce the lockup in a certain number of steps or with a certain
> > query. The queries are dynamically generated by a script, but they are
> > all simple like "select col1, col2 from table where col1='foo'".
> >
> > After I recompile with --enable-debug, how do use gdb to monitor the
> > process? If I run the following command can I just leave the gdb attach
> > process running until it crashes?
> >
> > gdb
> > attach pid
> yep, like that.
> Are you using stable or current? I'll try to reproduce it so I can
> debug and fix myself.
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