Currently, we are trying to start the database created in monetdb using the following command
monetdb start <dbname>
monetdbd: internal error while starting mserver 'database <dbname> did not initialise the sql scenario', please refer to the logs

Getting logs as follows

[root@localhost mydbfarm]# tail -f merovingian.log
2020-01-03 16:03:14 MSG merovingian[13157]: database <dbname> has shut down
2020-01-03 16:03:14 ERR control[13157]: !monetdbd: an internal error has occurred 'database <dbname> did not initialise the sql scenario'
2020-01-03 16:03:18 ERR merovingian[13157]: client error: database <dbname> did not initialise the sql scenario
2020-01-03 16:03:18 MSG merovingian[13157]: database <dbname> (13263) has exited with exit status 0

Please,help us to solve this issue.
