Hi there, sql>create or replace function f1() returns table(v1 INT) more>LANGUAGE PYTHON { more> return [1,2,3] more>}; operation successful (3.658ms) sql>select * from f1(); Embedded Python is enabled but an error was thrown during initialization. Does one have to setup another python env variables (like it's done on MonetDB for Windows: PYTHONHOME, PYTHONPATH) on Linux? p.s. Here are is how I setup environment 1) installed MonetDB v11.27.5 (Jul2017-SP1) binaries on centos-release-7-4.1708.el7.centos.x86_64: sudo yum install https://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/epel/MonetDB-release-epel.noarch.rpm sudo yum install https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/epel/7/x86_64/MonetDB-stream-11.27.5-20170... sudo yum install https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/epel/7/x86_64/MonetDB-client-11.27.5-20170... sudo yum install https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/epel/7/x86_64/MonetDB5-server-11.27.5-2017... sudo yum install https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/epel/7/x86_64/MonetDB-SQL-server5-11.27.5-... sudo yum install https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/epel/7/x86_64/MonetDB-python2-11.27.5-2017... 2) installed Anaconda2 Python 2.7.13 |Anaconda 4.4.0 (64-bit)| (default, Dec 20 2016, 23:09:15) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux2 export PATH="/home/akravchenko/anaconda2/bin:$PATH" 3) created and started Monet database: monetdbd create hnode1_dbfarm monetdbd set port=50001 hnode1_dbfarm monetdbd set control=yes hnode1_dbfarm monetdbd set passphrase=monetdb hnode1_dbfarm monetdbd start hnode1_dbfarm monetdb create hnode1_dbfarm_db1 *monetdb set embedpy=true hnode1_dbfarm_db1* monetdb start hnode1_dbfarm_db1 monetdb release hnode1_dbfarm_db1 4)monetdbd get all hnode1_dbfarm property value hostname somehostname dbfarm hnode1_dbfarm status monetdbd[31089] 1.7 (Jul2017-SP1) is serving this dbfarm mserver /usr/bin/mserver5 logfile hnode1_dbfarm/merovingian.log pidfile hnode1_dbfarm/merovingian.pid sockdir /tmp listenaddr localhost port 50001 exittimeout 60 forward proxy discovery yes discoveryttl 600 control yes passphrase {SHA512}a73f1d86383446438ac64f56e15ada38b41fbb18f029d2181723aeb2acac6a831f60e5fdbd64ac2c8c70e035dd44cbbe3b45565ef2d58feb2821a2078c7fad35 mapisock /tmp/.s.monetdb.50001 controlsock /tmp/.s.merovingian.50001 5) monetdb get all hnode1_dbfarm_db1 name prop source value hnode1_dbfarm_db1 name - hnode1_dbfarm_db1 hnode1_dbfarm_db1 type default database hnode1_dbfarm_db1 shared default yes hnode1_dbfarm_db1 nthreads default 32 hnode1_dbfarm_db1 optpipe default default_pipe hnode1_dbfarm_db1 readonly default no hnode1_dbfarm_db1 embedr default no hnode1_dbfarm_db1 embedpy local yes hnode1_dbfarm_db1 embedpy3 default no hnode1_dbfarm_db1 nclients default 64 hnode1_dbfarm_db1 dbextra default <unknown> Thank you, Anton