Hi, I have a question about creating composite uniqueness constraints in monetdb. Say I create the following table called test_property with 3 columns: subject, p1, p2. I want uniqueness contraints for each pair of (subject, p1) and (subject, p2). I try to do this with the following: sql>create table test_property(subject integer, p1 integer, p2 integer, unique(subject, p1), unique(subject, p2)); sql>\d test_property CREATE TABLE "sys"."test_property" ( "subject" int, "p1" int, "p2" int, CONSTRAINT "test_property_subject_p2_unique" UNIQUE ("subject"), CONSTRAINT "test_property_subject_p1_unique" UNIQUE ("subject", "p2", "p1") ); But somehow, I end up with a constraint on "subject" by itself and one on ("subject", p2, p1). Is this a bug in monetdb or am I missing something? I ran the exact same commands in postgres and I got my expected results (2 uniqueness contraints on (subject, p1) and (subject, p2)). I tried also creating the table first, then adding columns and the uniqueness constraint after using ALTER TABLE, but I got the same results. Does anyone see something I'm doing wrong? Thanks Andrew