
I ran into a problem when setting up a user with single quotes:

sql>CREATE USER 'tpch' WITH PASSWORD 'tpch' NAME 'TPC-H Admin' SCHEMA 'sys';
syntax error, unexpected STRING in: "create user 'tpch'"

Then I followed exactly the quatation style of the voc example and it worked:

sql>CREATE USER "tpch" WITH PASSWORD 'tpch' NAME 'TPC-H Admin' SCHEMA "sys";
operation successful (3.663ms)

So now with user and schema enclosed in double quotes, password and name in single quotes, it worked. This inconsistent usage of single and double quotes seems a bit strange to me. Should I file a bug report for this? Or is there a specific reason for this?

As a final test I enclosed all values in double quotes:
sql>CREATE USER "test2" WITH PASSWORD "test2" NAME "Test User 2" SCHEMA "sys";
syntax error, unexpected IDENT, expecting STRING in: "create user "test2" with password "test2""
