I am running CentOS 4.5 (RHEL4.5). I compiled PHP 5.2.2 from source. I compiled "MonetDB server v5.2.0, based on kernel v1.20.0" from source with monetdb-install.sh . MonetDB server works for me. I downloaded clients-1.20.0.tar.gz, unpacked in /tmp and runned: ./configure --prefix=/mytest/MonetDB --with-php --with-php-config=/mytest/php/bin --with-php-extensiondir=/mytest/php/lib/php/extensions I see only warning, that Buildtools are not installed and that I will not able to build from CVS, that should be fine, I am not using source code from CVS (right?). I run make and it seams to me, that the process is only building only mapiclient and mapilib. Output of make does not mention any problems but there is also no mentioning of PHP in this output. The output files are here http://www.struix.com/phpmonetdb.zip. I wonder, if somebody could help me out. Sincerely, Martin