The MonetDB team at CWI/MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Aug2011-SP2 bugfix release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at http://www.monetdb.org/. For details on this release, please see the release notes at http://www.monetdb.org/Downloads/ReleaseNotes. As usual, the download location is http://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/. Aug 2011-SP2 bugfix release Client Package * ODBC: Implemented a workaround in SQLTables for bug 2908. * Small improvement to mclient's table rendering for tables without any rows. Previously, the column names in the header could be squeezed to very small widths, degrading readability. * Python DB API connect() function now supports PEP 249-style arguments user and host, bug #2901 * mclient now checks the result of encoding conversions using the iconv library. * Fixed a source of crashes in mclient when a query on the command line using the -s option is combined with input on standard input (e.g. in the construct mclient -s 'COPY INTO t FROM STDIN ...' < file.csv). * Fixed bug 2897 where slow (network) reads could cause blocks to not be fully read in one go, causing errors in the subsequent use of those blocks. With thanks to Rémy Chibois. * Fixed a bug in mclient where processing queries from files could result in ghost empty results to be reported in the output Merovingian * Resolved problem where monetdbd would terminate abnormally when databases named 'control', 'discovery' or 'merovingian' were stopped. * monetdbd get status now also reports the version of the running monetdbd * Improved response time of 'monetdb start' when the database fails to start. * Fixed a bug in monetdbd where starting a failing database could incorrectly be reported as a 'running but dead' database. * To avoid confusion, all occurrences of merovingian were changed into monetdbd for error messages sent to a client. Bug Fixes * 2346: mkey.bulk_rotate_xor_hash MAL exception * 2712: un-rolled-back savepoints cause crash upon scenario exit * 2774: COPY INTO of double (~1.0e-310) cannot be imported. * 2890: Slow execution of COUNT in combination with DISTINCT * 2894: No consistent behavior of implicit cast of integer to double * 2897: Mapi.pm: short reads not handled when reading blocks from server * 2898: order by for multiple (two) columns fails for large tables when second ordering is 'desc': "mat.refine_reverse' undefined" * 2900: rand(int) should not return NULL * 2901: Make keyword arguments in Python DB API connect() function more standard * 2904: TypeException after calling UDF in other than sys schema (when it is initialised) * 2906: "ALTER TABLE mytable SET READ ONLY" results in server segfault * 2908: SQL query produces error with MAL statements * 2909: query result is not displayed when history = true