Running the same query on the same data leeds to different results
between postgresql and monetdb.
I have not been able to get a simple example to reproduce the
problem. So here is what I observe:
the query:
select temps_mois.rfoperdmo as c1,
sum((case when dwhinv.dwhinv___rfodomide = 'RH' and
dwhinv.dwhinv___rfoindide = 'tech_rh_effectif_rem_reel' then
dwhinv.dwhinvqte else 0 end)) as m0
from rfoper_temps_mois as temps_mois,
dwhinv as dwhinv,
rfovsn as rfovsn_0,
rrhamv as rrhamv_1,
rrhcov as rrhcov_2,
rfoadv as rfoadv_3
where temps_mois.rfoper___rforefide = 'HPLUS'
and dwhinv.dwhinv___rforefide = 'HPLUS'
and dwhinv.dwhinv___rfodomide = 'RH'
and dwhinv.dwhinv___rfoindide = 'tech_rh_effectif_rem_reel'
and dwhinv.dwhinvdtd = temps_mois.rfoperdtd
and temps_mois.rfoperyea = '2011'
and rfovsn___rforefide = 'HPLUS'
and dwhinv.dwhinv___rfovsnide = rfovsn_0.rfovsnide
and rfovsn_0.rfovsnide = '201111_reel'
and rrhamv_1.rrhamv___rrhvemide='GRACOR'
AND rrhamv_1.rrhamvrvs=1
AND rrhamv_1.rrhamv___rforefide= 'HPLUS'
and dwhinv.dwhinv___rrhempide = rrhamv_1.rrhamvinf
and rrhamv_1.rrhamvsup = 'CEMP'
and rrhcov_2.rrhcov___rrhvcoide='CONTRATS'
AND rrhcov_2.rrhcovrvs=1
AND rrhcov_2.rrhcov___rforefide= 'HPLUS'
and dwhinv.dwhinv___rrhcntide = rrhcov_2.rrhcovinf
and rrhcov_2.rrhcovsup = 'CONTRATS'
and rfoadv_3.rfoadv___rfovdeide='STRC'
AND rfoadv_3.rfoadvrvs=1
AND rfoadv_3.rfoadv___rforefide= 'HPLUS'
and dwhinv.dwhinv_p2rfodstide = rfoadv_3.rfoadvinf
and rfoadv_3.rfoadvsup = 'HPLUS'
group by c1
order by c1
I have no idea of what is causing this but if I modify the query
in order to simplify the CASE...WHEN...ELSE part of the select, it
produce the expected result:
replacing sum((case when dwhinv.dwhinv___rfodomide =
'RH' and dwhinv.dwhinv___rfoindide = 'tech_rh_effectif_rem_reel'
then dwhinv.dwhinvqte else 0 end)) as m0
by sum((case when dwhinv.dwhinv___rfoindide =
'tech_rh_effectif_rem_reel' then dwhinv.dwhinvqte else 0 end)) as
Its not exactly the same query but it must leeds to the same
result due to my test datas (its the case in postgres)
I join to this email two files with the TRACES, respectively for
the request with bad/correct result (ko.txt/ok.txt)
Ubuntu Server 11.04 x64
MonetDB v11.7.9 (Dec2011-SP2), MonetDB Database Server v1.6
(Dec2011-SP2), MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.0 (Dec2011-SP2)