Yuvaraj Athur Raghuvir wrote:
Thanks. I have done as suggested in the referred posting[1].
I see that in the docs [2] there is an Mbedded Example. To start with
I would like to make that work. For this I need the matching header
files. Where should I pick them from? I could not find them in the
installation package.
Oh, sorry, I see you refer to my post [1]. I forgot to attach my
modified header, Mapi.h, that I made by hand from original Mapi.h and
My variant of Mapi.h is "all you need" to include to use monetdb
embedded. See attach.
#include /* for FILE * */
#define MAPI_AUTO 0 /* automatic type detection */
#define MAPI_TINY 1
#define MAPI_UTINY 2
#define MAPI_SHORT 3
#define MAPI_USHORT 4
#define MAPI_INT 5
#define MAPI_UINT 6
#define MAPI_LONG 7
#define MAPI_ULONG 8
#define MAPI_CHAR 11
#define MAPI_VARCHAR 12
#define MAPI_FLOAT 13
#define MAPI_DOUBLE 14
#define MAPI_DATE 15
#define MAPI_TIME 16
#define MAPI_DATETIME 17
#define MAPI_NUMERIC 18
#define PLACEHOLDER '?'
#define MAPI_SEEK_SET 0
#define MAPI_SEEK_CUR 1
#define MAPI_SEEK_END 2
#define MAPI_TRACE 1
typedef int MapiMsg;
#define MOK 0
#define MERROR (-1)
#define MTIMEOUT (-2)
#define MMORE (-3)
#define MSERVER (-4)
#define LANG_MAL 0
#define LANG_MIL 1
#define LANG_SQL 2
#define LANG_XQUERY 3
typedef struct MapiStruct *Mapi;
/* this definition is a straight copy from sql/include/sql_query.h */
typedef enum sql_query_t {
Q_PARSE = 0,
Q_TABLE = 1,
Q_TRANS = 4,
} sql_query_t;
typedef struct MapiStatement *MapiHdl;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* avoid using "#ifdef WIN32" so that this file does not need our config.h */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#ifndef LIBMAPI
#define mapi_export extern __declspec(dllimport)
#define mapi_export extern __declspec(dllexport)
#define mapi_export extern
/* three structures used for communicating date/time information */
/* these structs are deliberately compatible with the ODBC versions
typedef struct { /* used by MAPI_DATE */
short year;
unsigned short month;
unsigned short day;
} MapiDate;
typedef struct { /* used by MAPI_TIME */
unsigned short hour;
unsigned short minute;
unsigned short second;
} MapiTime;
typedef struct { /* used by MAPI_DATETIME */
short year;
unsigned short month;
unsigned short day;
unsigned short hour;
unsigned short minute;
unsigned short second;
unsigned int fraction; /* in 1000 millionths of a second (10e-9) */
} MapiDateTime;
/* connection-oriented functions */
mapi_export Mapi mapi_mapi(const char *host, int port, const char *username, const char *password, const char *lang, const char *dbname);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_destroy(Mapi mid);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_start_talking(Mapi mid);
mapi_export Mapi mapi_connect(const char *host, int port, const char *username, const char *password, const char *lang, const char *dbname);
mapi_export Mapi mapi_connect_ssl(const char *host, int port, const char *username, const char *password, const char *lang, const char *dbname);
#ifdef ST_READ /* if stream.h was included */
mapi_export stream **mapi_embedded_init(Mapi *midp, char *lang);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_disconnect(Mapi mid);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_reconnect(Mapi mid);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_ping(Mapi mid);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_error(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_error_str(Mapi mid);
mapi_export void mapi_noexplain(Mapi mid, char *errorprefix);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_explain(Mapi mid, FILE *fd);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_explain_query(MapiHdl hdl, FILE *fd);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_explain_result(MapiHdl hdl, FILE *fd);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_output(Mapi mid, char *output);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_stream_into(Mapi mid, char *docname, char *colname, FILE *fp);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_profile(Mapi mid, int flag);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_trace(Mapi mid, int flag);
mapi_export int mapi_get_trace(Mapi mid);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_log(Mapi mid, const char *nme);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_setAutocommit(Mapi mid, int autocommit);
mapi_export char *mapi_result_error(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_next_result(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_needmore(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_more_results(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_new_handle(Mapi mid);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_close_handle(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_bind(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, char **ptr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_bind_var(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, int type, void *ptr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_bind_numeric(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, int scale, int precision, void *ptr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_clear_bindings(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_param_type(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, int ctype, int sqltype, void *ptr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_param_string(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, int sqltype, char *ptr, int *sizeptr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_param(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, char **ptr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_param_numeric(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, int scale, int precision, void *ptr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_clear_params(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_prepare(Mapi mid, const char *cmd);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_prepare_handle(MapiHdl hdl, const char *cmd);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_virtual_result(MapiHdl hdl, int columns, const char **columnnames, const char **columntypes, const int *columnlengths, int tuplecount, const char ***tuples);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_execute(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_execute_array(MapiHdl hdl, char **val);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_fetch_reset(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_finish(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_prepare_array(Mapi mid, const char *cmd, char **val);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_query(Mapi mid, const char *cmd);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_query_handle(MapiHdl hdl, const char *cmd);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_query_prep(Mapi mid);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_query_part(MapiHdl hdl, const char *cmd, size_t size);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_query_done(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_quick_query(Mapi mid, const char *cmd, FILE *fd);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_query_array(Mapi mid, const char *cmd, char **val);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_quick_query_array(Mapi mid, const char *cmd, char **val, FILE *fd);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_stream_query(Mapi mid, const char *cmd, int windowsize);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_cache_limit(Mapi mid, int limit);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_cache_shuffle(MapiHdl hdl, int percentage);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_cache_freeup(MapiHdl hdl, int percentage);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_quick_response(MapiHdl hdl, FILE *fd);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_seek_row(MapiHdl hdl, int rowne, int whence);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_timeout(Mapi mid, int time);
mapi_export int mapi_fetch_row(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_fetch_all_rows(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_get_field_count(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_get_row_count(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_rows_affected(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export char *mapi_fetch_field(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr);
mapi_export MapiMsg mapi_store_field(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr, int outtype, void *outparam);
mapi_export char **mapi_fetch_field_array(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export char *mapi_fetch_line(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_split_line(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_lang(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_dbname(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_host(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_user(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_mapi_version(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_monet_version(Mapi mid);
mapi_export int mapi_get_monet_versionId(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_motd(Mapi mid);
mapi_export int mapi_is_connected(Mapi mid);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_table(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_name(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_type(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr);
mapi_export int mapi_get_len(MapiHdl hdl, int fnr);
mapi_export char *mapi_get_query(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_get_querytype(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export int mapi_get_tableid(MapiHdl hdl);
mapi_export char *mapi_quote(const char *msg, int size);
mapi_export char *mapi_unquote(char *msg);
mapi_export MapiHdl mapi_get_active(Mapi mid);
// GARANT BEGIN from embeddedclient.h
typedef enum opt_kind {
opt_builtin = 0,
opt_config = 1,
opt_cmdline = 2
} opt_kind;
typedef struct opt {
opt_kind kind;
char *name;
char *value;
} opt;
mapi_export Mapi monetdb_sql(char *dbfarm, char *dbname);
mapi_export Mapi embedded_sql(opt *set, int len);
mapi_export Mapi embedded_mal(opt *set, int len);
// GARANT BEGIN from monet_options.h
/* mo_print_options will print the option set on stderr */
mapi_export void mo_print_options(opt *set, int setlen);
/* mo_find_option, finds the option with the given name in the option set
(set,setlen). */
mapi_export char *mo_find_option(opt *set, int setlen, const char *name);
/* the option values can contain ${prefix} and ${exec_prefix}, these
will be substituted using the mo_substitute function. The return
value is a newly allocated buffer, it is the caller's responsibility to free the buffer. */
#ifdef WIN32
/* on Windows, the option values can also contain %prefix% and
%exec_prefix% which will be substituted as well. */
mapi_export char *mo_substitute(opt *set, int setlen, char *name);
/* mo_system_config will add the options from the system config file
(returns the new setlen) */
mapi_export int mo_system_config(opt **Set, int setlen);
/* mo_builtin_settings, will place the builtin settings into a new
option set (returns the length of this set). */
mapi_export int mo_builtin_settings(opt **Set);
/* mo_add_option will add a single option to the option set
(returns new length) */
mapi_export int mo_add_option(opt **Set, int setlen, opt_kind kind, const char *name, const char *value);
/* mo_free_options will free the resouces take by the options set */
mapi_export void mo_free_options(opt *set, int setlen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _MAPI_H_INCLUDED */