On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 10:40:14PM +0100, Sander Kruseman wrote:
Nothing fancy: I use the default user monetdb in both clients, working in the sys schema. I start the JDBC client using:
java -jar "C:\Program Files\CWI\MonetDB5\share\MonetDB\lib\jdbcclient.jar" -l sql -u monetdb (java version "1.6.0_02")
please note that JDBCclient cannot be compiled with Java 1.6 (only with 1.4 & 1.5) --- not being a Java expert, I have no idea whether running JDBCclient with Java 1.6 is hence supposed/guaranteed to work correctly... Bug confirmed. I used the mjclient from the current branch to create the
Stefan Manegold wrote: tables and insert the tuples. Then I start mclient to delete the tuples from the parent and I can see the the child still has the tuple. I will open bug and kill it (time to have fun) ;) Regards, Romulo