On 07-08-2008 10:21:20 +0200, Lefteris wrote:
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: ?Z {T P?[ P?Z P?[ ?Z ?Z P?[ V ( Mars language... )
I am not sure what is this, but maybe some more experts than me in jdbc can answer?
My Marsian isn't to good either :(
Now i'm wondering, if jdbc also support prepared query, which means to execute query like this:
rs = st.executeQuery("prepared.xq" , "var1" , "var2" ... );
I am not sure if there is a method with such a signature, but you can always wrap your file with an inputStream object and create the string yourself. This can be done either inline or you can always overload the executeQuery method to accept a string and do your IO management inside the overloaded method.
Be aware that the JDBC functionality is very fragile and limited. MonetDB/XQuery has no good interfacing, and hence JDBC's support is nothing more but a convenience hack that can and will break as soon as you want anything more complicated than the answer of something like "1 + 1" (the usual test query).