I want to use MonetDB for benchmarking on the TPC-H workload. According to the paper "MonetDB/X100 - A DBMS In The CPU Cache", the X100 module achieves significant acceleration against MonetDB/MIL on Query 1 of TPC-H. Still, when I search your site, there is no reference about how it is possible to activate X100 inside MonetDB. I have only found X100 in your repository for mserver5 in Sourceforge, but it is not currently active. Therefore, I have the following questions:
a) Has X100 been integrated to the Mserver5 version of MonetDB, or included as an extension module?
b) Does Mserver5 use vector processing as proposed in the paper "MonetDB/X100: Hyper-Pipelining Query Execution" (CIDR 2005) ?
c) How is it possible to use MonetDB/X100 for benchmarking purposes? Are there any instructions online?
Thank you.