Has anyone configured an scalable MonetDB using Docker cluster on Amazon Web Services or other cloud environment? I'm looking into setting this up for one of our project around COBID-19 and essentially need to: - have my number of MonetDB instances to go up and down with user demand - use a load balancer to spread user queries across multiple instances I had in mind that all the instances would just point to a single dbfarm directory (all the user queries are read only), but is this an option or will cause problems (locks, caching, etc.)? Based on what I understand from Cluster Management (https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Cookbooks/SQLrecipes/ClusterManagement) or Lazy Replication (https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Cookbooks/SQLrecipes/WorkloadCaptureRe...), I need to replicate the database for each instance, which is not really practical. This document seems to hint that using the "Replication Services" model would be an option, but then I end up with any copies of the same database, and this will require a significant amount of extra disk space (the transaction logs + one copy per instance). http://www.exanest.eu/pub/2016_RTPBD_Monetdb.pdf Any guidance, suggestion, example would be greatly appreciated. best *P