Hi, How to select from table by value in column with INET type? For example, I have table: $ msqldump -d billing -- msqldump dump database Mon Aug 1 11:03:13 2011 -- MonetDB v11.3.3, 'b0' START TRANSACTION; SET SCHEMA "sys"; CREATE TABLE "sys"."transfer_ip" ( "packetdate" TIMESTAMP, "proto" INTEGER, "src" INET, "sport" INTEGER, "sintf" VARCHAR(15), "dst" INET, "dport" INTEGER, "dintf" VARCHAR(15), "packets" BIGINT, "bytes" BIGINT, "prefix" VARCHAR(5), "processed" BOOLEAN ); COMMIT; COPY 10293965 RECORDS INTO "sys"."transfer_ip" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n','"'; ^C I tried to select in such ways: # mclient -d billing Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Apr2011-SP1) Database: MonetDB v11.3.3, 'billing' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql>select * from transfer_ip where src = '' limit 10; SQLException:str_cast:value too long for type (var)char(9) sql>select * from transfer_ip where src = '':inet limit 10; unexpected symbol (:) sql>select * from transfer_ip where src << '' limit 10; types inet(0,0) and tinyint(8,0) are not equal for column 'src' What it the right way? -- Thanks, Eugene Prokopiev