Hi, I've just pulled a largish dataset into monetdb (419851473 rows, 8 columns) and it's crashing when I try to do the following: select count(distinct a) from calldata; "a" is an integer column and monetdb gets the right answer of 886693 when I run either: select count(a) from (select a from calldata group by a) x; or select count(a) from (select distinct a from calldata) x; I'm running the latest 64bit .deb packages under ubuntu 10.4. The following is what I get back from mclient: sql>select count(distinct a) from calldata; MALException:!ERROR: HEAPalloc: Insufficient space for HEAP of 3358812160 bytes. ERROR: HEAPalloc: Insufficient space for HEAP of 3358812160 bytes. ERROR: HEAPalloc: Insufficient space for HEAP of 3358812160 bytes. Timer 93948.763 msec 1 rows I've not got much swap space, does it just happen to need it for the first version but not the other versions? -- Sam http://samason.me.uk/