writerChr = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(chrFile)));
When I read this file using a test program and java’s DataInputStream, it correctly shows me the integer values I’ve written. In the “writerChr” case, all values in this particular column are “10”.
However, when I load this into monetdb the value is way off – it shows a large number. The command I am using to copy this file and one other into a table with 2 “int” columns is:
COPY binary into justchrpos from ('/home/lcj34/chrFileC10.bin','/home/lcj34/posFileC10.bin’);
It copies in fine, but when I cheek the values I see this: (not 10!)
sql>\d justchrpos
CREATE TABLE "testbig"."justchrpos" (
"chr" INTEGER,
sql>select * from justchrpos limit 10;
| chr | pos |
| 167772160 | 16777216 |
| 167772160 | 33554432 |
| 167772160 | 50331648 |
| 167772160 | 67108864 |
| 167772160 | 83886080 |
| 167772160 | 100663296 |
| 167772160 | 117440512 |
| 167772160 | 134217728 |
| 167772160 | 150994944 |
| 167772160 | 167772160 |
10 tuples (3.601ms)
QUESTION: Is using java’s DataOutputStream a valid way to create the binary files for monetdb? If not, what should I be using? As I mentioned above, when I read back the created file using java’s DataInputStream, I see the values “10” as I expect.
Thanks - Lynn