   I am having performance degradation issues with repeated queries of monetdb. I am attempting to use monetdb for financial tick data and make sql queries requesting all quotes for a symbol on date x where time > y and time <z.  Previously monetdb had worked great for this task and was extremely quick.  However, I had a crash last week of the server it was built on.  After this monetdb ran incredibly slow on the order of 25 times slower than it was running before.  I rebuilt monetdb and it ran quickly for a day or two and started degrading in speed.  Could someone give a hint or two on how I should go about debugging this?  Is there a optimization task that I need to run? 
I am really at a loss of how I should handle this.  I have been running queries via mclient  -s from my  program written in python.  I previously found the python bindings too slow. 

cpu: 2 opteron 2222
os:cent os 5.4
memory 8gb
database Size:  only testing with csv data of 1.3 GB indexed by date and time
built with options:--enable-optimise --enable-sql

Thanks for any help,