6 May
6 May
12:36 a.m.
Hi, I am evaluating MonetDB server v5.8.4, based on kernel v1.26.4 on FreeBSD 6.2 Loading data into a table from a file seem to hang, with mserver using high CPU. The file has only 10 records. If I use stdin instead of a file name the data can be loaded. Here is the debug output. openRead(nil) does not seem right. shouldn't it be openRead('/tmp/head.txt') ? sql>debug copy 10 records into "log_0" from '/tmp/head.txt' using delimiters '|'; mdb># mdb.start(); mdb>n mdb># user.s0_2(); mdb>n mdb># _2 := streams.openRead(nil); mdb>n What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help, -VG