since the last release, there is a storage/memory consumption optimization in place when using the configure option --enable-oid32, which causes tables to be restricted to 2Gtuples, but leads to smaller data storage for surrogate keys (oids). As a second effect, this configure setting also enables a more compact string heap organization (restricting the amount of string data in a single column to 32GB). windows is configured by default with --enable-oid32 If you can live with these restrictions, you can also compile/get linux MonetDB binaries with --enable-oid32
-----Original Message----- From: Ying Zhang [mailto:Y.Zhang@cwi.nl] Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 7:01 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: Re: [MonetDB-users] disk usage
Hello Dariusz,
The first thing came to my mind is the bits system. I guess your windows is 32bits, while your linux is 64 bits. Since, on 32bits systems, 'long', 'long int', oids and pointers are 4 bytes; while on they are 8 bytes. Thus, you data will most probably take more storage on a 64bits system, than on a 32bits system. How many more it is, depends on the type of your columns.
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:35:52PM -0400, dariuszs wrote:
Hi, I've loaded 60 GB of data file into a table. On Windows (NTFS) the size of dbfarm changed to 80GB but on Linux (ext4 or reiserfs) dbfarm changed to 180GB. Why is that? Thanks. Dariusz.
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