Ying Zhang wrote:
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 04:22:55PM +0100, Roy Walter wrote:
[This is a new thread following on from "XRPC issues"]
Executing a tijah query in a module from both old and new front ends fails.
What is the problem when you execute the same tijah function with the default frontend?
Using the old front end (\g) produces the following error:
Would you please attach the file 'tj.xq' so that we also can run your query with both frontends (assuming the small/simplified document you sent in your previous e-mail is still sufficient to run the query).
PS> I will find a Windows machine later (today) to try to reproduce the error you mentioned in your previous e-mail
xquery>import module namespace test="tj" at "http://localhost:50001/export/tj.xq "; more>execute at {"localhost"} {test:tijahSearch("Heathrow")} more><> doLoopLiftedRPC: error occurred at localhost: MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = import module namespace test="tj" at "http://localhost:50001/export/tj.x q"; ERROR = !ERROR: HTTP Error Code : 404 Bad Request !ERROR: SOAP Fault Code : env:Sender !ERROR: SOAP Fault Reason: !ERROR: Error occurred during execution. !ERROR: interpret: no matching MIL operator to 'tj_query_handler(bit, BA T[void,BAT], BAT[oid,BAT], BAT[void,BAT], BAT[oid,oid], BAT[oid,BAT], BAT[oid,ln g], BAT[oid,dbl], BAT[oid,str], void)'. !MAYBE YOU MEAN: ! tj_query_handler(bit, BAT[void,BAT], BAT[void,BAT], BAT[void,BAT ], BAT[oid,any], BAT[oid,BAT], BAT[void,lng], BAT[void,dbl], BAT[void,str], BAT[ void,BAT]) : BAT[void,BAT] ! ! !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed.
MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = import module namespace test="tj" at "http://localhost:50001/export/tj.x q"; ERROR = !ERROR: doLoopLiftedRPC: execution failed at all destinations: !ERROR: localhost: !ERROR: HTTP Error Code : 404 Bad Request !ERROR: SOAP Fault Code : env:Sender !ERROR: SOAP Fault Reason: !ERROR: Error occurred during execution. !ERROR: interpret: no matching MIL operator to 'tj_query_handler(bit, BA T[void,BAT], BAT[oid,BAT], BAT[void,BAT], BAT[oid,oid], BAT[oid,BAT], BAT[oid,ln g], BAT[oid,dbl], BAT[oid,str], void)'. !MAYBE YOU MEAN: ! tj_query_handler(bit, BAT[void,BAT], BAT[void,BAT], BAT[void,BAT ], BAT[oid,any], BAT[oid,BAT], BAT[void,lng], BAT[void,dbl], BAT[void,str], BAT[ void,BAT]) : BAT[void,BAT] ! ! !ERROR: CMDhttp_post: operation failed. !ERROR: !ERROR: xquery>
Has anyone succeeded in executing a tijah query from within a module?
-- Roy
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The error using the default front end (\G) is: xquery>import module namespace test="tj" at "http://localhost:50001/export/tj.xq "; more>execute at {"localhost"} {test:tijahSearch("Heathrow")} more>^Z MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = import module namespace test="tj" at "http://localhost:50001/export/tj.x q"; ERROR = !ÉsZ !.c[+(gP?d !ERROR: interpret: no matching MIL operator to 'reverse(void)'. !MAYBE YOU MEAN: ! reverse(BAT[any::1,any::2]) : BAT[any::2,any::1] !ERROR: interpret_params: sort(param 1): evaluation error. !ERROR: interpret_params: reverse(param 1): evaluation error. xquery> The related query (in module tj.xq) is: module namespace tj = "tj"; declare function tj:tijahSearch($term as xs:string) as node()* { for $res in tijah:queryall("//speech[about(., $term)]") return $res }; -- Roy