Hi, I am observing a surprising behaviour of the epoch function: The following works as expected: SELECT epoch(now()) AS "NOW", epoch(now() - INTERVAL '5' MINUTE) AS "5 MIN AGO"; +------------+------------+ | NOW | 5 MIN AGO | +============+============+ | 1460453860 | 1460453560 | +------------+------------+ The inverse does not: SELECT epoch(1460453860) AS "NOW", epoch(1460453860-300) AS "300 SECONDS AGO"; +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | NOW | 300 SECONDS AGO | +============================+============================+ | 2016-04-12 09:37:40.000000 | 1970-01-17 21:40:53.560000 | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ The "now" part is fine, the "300 seconds ago" part is obviously not what I expect. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Regards, Marc