On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 02:56:37PM +0200, Robert Schumacher wrote:
Sorry, forgot to add it earlier, this is the last statement after it the server goes down immediately:
A simple test with this statement on linux (fedora 8 64 bit) doesn't show a crash. Could you try to trim the create statement to find if its related to any column type or the totatl string size. Niels
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: monetdb-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:monetdb-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] Im Auftrag von Niels Nes Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Juni 2008 14:42 An: Communication channel for MonetDB users Betreff: Re: [MonetDB-users] MonetDB Server dies on connect
On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 01:12:38PM +0200, Robert Schumacher wrote:
Thanks, i installed them, but the server still dies on connect when i put the old dbfarm and sql_logs Directories back. And if i delete it and start over with a fresh one creating my tables it still dies, too.
That is crashes with the old dbfarm/sql_logs is to be expected but it shouldn't with a fresh db. So what (sql) commands crash MonetDB? I would like to fix this bug before we release.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: monetdb-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:monetdb-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] Im Auftrag von Sjoerd Mullender Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Juni 2008 11:46 An: Niels Nes Cc: Communication channel for MonetDB users Betreff: Re: [MonetDB-users] MonetDB Server dies on connect
Niels Nes wrote:
On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 09:41:50AM +0200, Robert Schumacher wrote:
I am using MonetDB server v5.4.0, based on kernel v1.22.0.
Deleting those directories worked, thanks.
We are very interested in learning if this bug is fixed in the (tobe released) version (MonetDB v5.6.0 / sql 2.24 / kernel 1.24).
Sjoerd are there allready windows installers for XP x64 to be tested?
The following files are available for download. Note that these installers are *completely untested*.
Since the 64-bit version has a new so-called Upgrade Code (the code that Windows uses to determine whether a package is an upgrade of an already installed package), you need to first uninstall the old version and then install the new.
Note that the ODBC driver is no longer packaged in the MonetDB5-SQL installer but only as a separate installer. Also note that you should install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the ODBC installer on a 64-bit platform.
http://homepages.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/downloads/MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-x86_64-2008... http://homepages.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/downloads/MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-i386-200806... http://homepages.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/downloads/MonetDB-ODBC-Installer-x86_64-2008... http://homepages.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/downloads/MonetDB-ODBC-Installer-i386-200806...
The files with x86_64 in the names are 64-bit, the files with i386 in the names are 32 bit.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: monetdb-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:monetdb-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] Im Auftrag von Niels Nes Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Juni 2008 09:37 An: Communication channel for MonetDB users Betreff: Re: [MonetDB-users] MonetDB Server dies on connect
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 02:51:22PM +0200, Robert Schumacher wrote:
i was evaluating MonetDB. Got the Server running finr on Windows XP x64. I created about 12 Tabled by using a JDBC Client, then the Server died instantly. Since then when I start the Server it dies asap when I either start the Windows Client or perform a JDBC connection. I get no error log, no message, nothing. Has anybody an idea how to get MonetDB to stop crashing on connect?
Which version of MonetDB are you using? As you seem to have hit a bug, the only solution out of the crash seems to be to remove the dbfarm (and xquery_logs/sql_logs) directories.
Thanks, Robert
Robert Schumacher, Senior Software Developer
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Niels Nes, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands room C0.02, phone ++31 20 592-4098, fax ++31 20 592-4312 url: http://www.cwi.nl/~niels e-mail: Niels.Nes@cwi.nl
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-- Sjoerd Mullender
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Niels Nes, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands room C0.02, phone ++31 20 592-4098, fax ++31 20 592-4312 url: http://www.cwi.nl/~niels e-mail: Niels.Nes@cwi.nl
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-- Niels Nes, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands room C0.02, phone ++31 20 592-4098, fax ++31 20 592-4312 url: http://www.cwi.nl/~niels e-mail: Niels.Nes@cwi.nl