8 Jan
8 Jan
1:49 a.m.
I have a problem when I insert data into Monetdb,the more time eclapse,the more insert speed slowe, At the begining,the speed may 2000/s ,and then may 1000/s,and then may 400/s,and last may 10/s. I used jdbc ( PrepareStatment ,addBatch,setXXX,excuteBatch )to connect Monetdb. Thank you very much ------------------------------------------------------------------- 惠普商用台式机dc5750,高性能,低功耗!( http://ad4.sina.com.cn/sina/limeng3/mail_zhuiyu/2006/mail_zhuiyu_20061225.ht... ) =================================================================== 注册新浪2G免费邮箱( http://mail.sina.com.cn/chooseMode.html )