Hi, I'm upgrading from an old MonetDB (11.26.0 source snapshot) to the latest proper release. However, my Python aggregate functions appear to have stopped working (Program contains errors.:(NONE).multiplex): Running mserver5 with: /usr/local/bin/mserver5 --daemon=yes --set embedded_py=true --dbpath=/data/monetdb-farm/ --set gdk_nr_threads=1 --set max_clients=6 Reproduce with: CREATE FUNCTION test_udf("conum" int) RETURNS STRING LANGUAGE PYTHON3 {{ }}; Create table test("id" uuid, "date" DATE, "number" INT); select test_udf("number") from test; Gives: Program contains errors.:(NONE).multiplex I'm running it via Docker (stock Debian) with only MonetDB installed via apt-get. Not sure if this is connected: https://www.monetdb.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6378 https://www.monetdb.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6378 Anyone having any similar issues? Tried compiling from source (April 2019 bransch) as well, no luck Regards, Niklas