Hi, I am in the process of evaluating two major databases....monetdb and postgresql for building a backend database system for backtesting on huge historical data sets around 100GB. I copied some test data(a 250mb table) using bulk copy in both and monetdb was way faster. But when I did a simple query "SELECT * from tablename", it took around 3 minutes for 1 lakh rows via mclient and a gui interface (aqua studio based on JVM simply said out of memory). The bulk copy file was in the format collumns seperated by pipes in a text file. While using postgresql, at first it was slow but once I did a vacuum(function in postgresql), the (select * from tablename) was much faster than monetdb. So, what am I missing here, Do I need to do something to enhance the performance in Monetdb....... I have high hopes from monetdb, so please help. Thanks -- Jatin Patni Tel: 91 9911 649 657 jatinpatni@gmail.com www.jatinpatni.co.nr