Hi: I have a MonetDB 5 server v11.23.7 "Jun2016-SP1 instance hosting a table with over 5600 columns (for the US General Social Survey) If we run a simple query like SELECT * FROM gss7214_v4 limit 2 we get the first two records as expected. However, the same query with all the column names explicitly stated like select "year","id","wrkstat","hrs1","hrs2","evwork","occ","prestige","wrkslf",<...thousands of additional columns - see attached...> from "gss7214_v4" WHERE "year"=1972 LIMIT 2 OFFSET 0; seem to kill the server. The process keeps running but become non-responsive. Now this is on a AWS EC2 t2.small instance with just ~2Gb or memory. Maybe more memory may solve this issue (?). But in any case concerned that the server hangs without warning or error message in the log. Any potential workaround? Suggestion most appreciated best *P