Well i will show you how my directory structure looks permissions directory / file wise.
[root@orville threatmonitor]# cd threatmonitor/
[root@orville threatmonitor]# ls -l | grep sql
drwx------ 3 monetdb monetdb 72 Sep 9 02:07 sql_logs
[root@orville threatmonitor]# cd sql_logs/
[root@orville sql_logs]# ls -l
total 0
drwx------ 2 monetdb monetdb 96 Sep 12 20:11 sql
[root@orville sql_logs]# cd sql/
[root@orville sql]# ls -l
total 521
-rw------- 1 monetdb monetdb 11 Sep 12 20:11 log
-rw------- 1 monetdb monetdb 524311 Sep 12 20:15 log.11
[root@orville sql]#
The sql_logs is 700 and the sql directory underneath is the same and the files are 600.