In the cookbook, you give a good way to find out the status of queries by using the sys.query() call, which returns the list of queries tagged in various ways. Our question is whether there is any way to access, e.g., the tag value. In our application, we need to occasionally cancel queries from our UI. The UI has no direct knowledge of the query. While we might be able to find the query we want to cancel by comparing the query text, our automatically generated queries can be very long, and if there's some internal reformatting by Monetdb, we might not get an exact match. So is there anything in the handle or elsewhere that we can use to identify the query we want to cancel? JONATHAN ZINGMAN Manager - TrueCall Data [logos] 2855 Telegraph Ave, Suite 200 Berkeley, CA, 94705-1169 DIRECT: 510.809.0423 CELL: 510.823.5638 www.netscout.comhttp://www.netscout.com/