Now that I have confirmed the syntax, I believe there might be a problem with like and not like as used below.
Here is the test schema:
set schema foof;
create table config (a integer);
create table data_0000 (a integer);
create table data_0001 (a integer);
create table data_0002 (a integer);
create table data_0003 (a integer);
create merge table data (a integer);
create table test_table (a integer);
create table main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0000 (a integer);
create table main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0001 (a integer);
create table main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0002 (a integer);
create table main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0003 (a integer);
create merge table main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh (a integer);
set schema sys;
select * from schemas where name = 'foof';
| id | name | authorization | owner | system |
| 1050825 | foof | 3 | 3 | false |
Select * from tables where schema_id = 1050825;
Shows all the 12 tables I created above
Select * from tables where schema_id = 1050825 and name like '%\_\_____';
Lists all 11 tables. My belief is this should only list the 4 main__ tables and not the main__ merge table. The only table not listed here is 'data'.
Doing the same query without the back-slashes gives the same result.
Doing the complement (not like, instead of like), gives the data table.
For the like expression, I would have expected only 4 tables. For the not like, I would have expected 8 tables.
Is this a bug? Confirming from your response, \ escapes _ to change it from any single character to only the character _?
-----Original Message-----
From: users-list
On 25 Jul 2019, at 02:32, Gotwisner, Dave
wrote: I am trying to do some constraints off the system tables to select a unique pattern of tables.
We have tables like the following (I can’t give the actual table names): • Config (a single record exists here, no merge tables use it) • Data_0000 (a small number of records exist in each of these) • Data_0001 • Data_0002 • Data_0003 • Data (this is a merge table over the last 4) • Test_table (a small number of records exist here, no merge tables use it) • Main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0000 (millions of records, yyyy, mm, dd, hh are all numbers, we have one set of tables per hour, and keep significantly over 1 weeks’ worth of data) • Main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0001 • Main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0002 • Main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh__0003 • Main__yyyy_mm_dd__hh (this is a merge table over the last 4)
If I do a select * from sys.tables where schema_id in (select id from schemas where name = ‘frodo’) and type in (select table_type_id from table_types where table_type_name = ‘TABLE’) I get the right thing – all non merge tables. I then want to further break it down into the tables that end in __[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] and those that don’t (two separate queries for two separate purposes). Consider frodo the name of our schema.
Adding and name like ‘data\_\_____’ appears to work. This should give me the 4 data_* tables.
Adding and name like ‘%\_\_____’ gives me all non-merge tables, including config and test_table. I’m assuming % is the wild card for 0 or more, and _ is the wild card for 1. This matches some documentation I have found. The \ are required because I need to explicitly look for 2 of the underscore character.
Hai Dave, your understanding of the definitions of the wild card characters is correct. Jennie
Am I doing this correctly? Are these the right wildcarding characters? MS SQLServer gives a # as a match for a single digit, is there an equivalent? Or, is this just a bug in MonetDB?
Thanks, Dave
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