hi monetdb team, i am getting errors below on data i can't share.  before i spend a bunch of time trying to create a reproducible example for this:

i've confirmed that MIN and MAX both do work on this column, and also that QUANTILE works with 0.01 thru 0.99 on this column.  is there a reason QUANTILEs of 0 and 1 don't simply call MIN and MAX?  thanks!

Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
  Unable to execute statement 'SELECT QUANTILE( tot_pay , 0 ) FROM acons WHERE yr = 2013 AND ( dattyp1 = 1 OR dattyp2 = 1 OR dattyp...'.
Server says 'overflow in conversion of 43553.818965373482 to bte.' [#22003].
> unwtd_pct <- dbGetQuery( db , paste( "SELECT QUANTILE( tot_pay , 1 ) FROM acons" , where_clause ) )
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
  Unable to execute statement 'SELECT QUANTILE( tot_pay , 1 ) FROM acons WHERE yr = 2013 AND ( dattyp1 = 1 OR dattyp2 = 1 OR dattyp...'.
Server says 'overflow in conversion of 43553.818965373482 to bte.' [#22003].