Hi, I developed a monetdb connector for matlab based on the mysql connector for matlab. If you have comments or suggestion how to improve it let me know. Cheers, Bas Below are the instruction how to compile and use the connector (hopes this is clear) Install Monetdb: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/MonetDB --exec-prefix=/usr/local/MonetDB make make install Linux (not tested for Window yet): In matlab mex -I/usr/local/MonetDB/include/monetdb -L/usr/local/MonetDB/lib -lmapi monetdbv2.cpp monetdbv2(host,user,password,dbName,'OPEN'); monetdbv2(host,user,password,dbName,'INSERT INTO table VALUES (value1, 1)' ); [value1 value2] = monetdbv2(host,user,password,dbName,'SELECT * FROM table' ); monetdbv2(host,user,password,dbName,'CLOSE'); Simple matlab interface to MonetDB server Bastiaan Boom, University of Edinburgh, 13 July 2012 Based on the MySQL connector of Matlab (www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8663-mysql-database-connector) -- The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.