Hi Lynn,
Well if the monetdbd process is running which manages all of connections to
your schemas if a schema crashes from a user request / query it will
restart that schema.
to stop a schema you run
sudo monetdb stop schemaname
however if there is a user request that will be restarted.
However your sudo monetdbd stop /local/monetdb/dbfarmBL
Should have stopped everything and there shouldn't be anything listening to
invoke that restart procedure.
With the reboot maybe an init script started with monetdbd process.
However this message i don't understand.
2017-01-27 07:55:50 ERR merovingian[15395]: fatal startup condition
encountered, aborting startup
Brian Hood
On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 3:39 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson
Hi Brian -
The machine was rebooted in the evening, which should have killed all processes.. The next morning I tried starting monetdbd but got error messages.
When doing a grep for monet we found this: ( I have the command/result saved in an email !)
[root@cbsudc01 bin]# ps -ef | grep monet
root 14286 1 0 07:53 ? 00:00:26 /usr/bin/mserver5 --dbpath=/local/monetdb/dbfarmBL/maizeFullGenomeDB --set merovingian_uri mapi:monetdb://cbsudc01:50000/maizeFullGenomeDB --set mapi_open false --set mapi_port 0 --set mapi_usock /local/monetdb/dbfarmBL/maizeFullGenomeDB/.mapi.sock --set monet_vault_key /local/monetdb/dbfarmBL/maizeFullGenomeDB/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads 24 --set max_clients 64 --set sql_optimizer default_pipe --set monet_daemon yes
Once we killed pid 14286 I was able to start the daemon. Looks like this process was started that morning. Could the monetdb process above have gotten started via a user request, but hung before the monetdbd was successfully started? Or is this message related to the monetdbd start request I used.
From: users-list
on behalf of Brian Hood Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 10:23 AM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: Re: problem stopping/starting monetdbd
Hi Lynn,
What kind of bad process out of interest as it binds the TCP & UNIX socket then dies with no real explanation ?
Where some files lock by of another process ?
Brian Hood
On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 5:51 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson
wrote: Thanks for your responses. We found the problem. There was a bad process running we needed to kill, then all got cleaned up and we’re good.
I appreciate your help - Lynn
On 1/27/17, 10:30 AM, "users-list on behalf of Anderson, David B "
wrote: Netstat should let you know if the port is in use. I don't remember the exact syntax. . .
-----Original Message----- From: users-list [mailto:users-list-bounces+david.b.anderson=citi.com@monetdb.org] On Behalf Of Lynn Carol Johnson Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 10:25 AM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: Re: problem stopping/starting monetdbd
Thanks Dave.
I read through the link below. The debugger is attached after the daemon is running. But I can¹t get to this stage - I am unable to get the daemon running. The problem seems to be with attaching to port 50000. From the log below:
binding to datagram socket port 50000 failed: no available address
Could there be a UNIX socket issue I should investigate?
On 1/27/17, 10:16 AM, "users-list on behalf of Anderson, David B "
wrote: Lynn,
Since you are getting a SIGTERM with limited error messages, you may need to start the crashing process in gdb to get a stack trace. That should help isolate the problem.
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.monetdb.org_Do cumentation_UserGuide_Debugging&d=DQIFAw&c=j-EkbjBYwkAB4f8ZbVn1Fw&r=8_G Yjk1edsyLJlNaxMxYxBJsviF3JXYvwDK42uy5KWU&m=XI4qWt-5aWPNqmG6nuyIr8bIXTGV -oUAKTa8GbKzAgA&s=c3g7TTz6YMyy7YBSLKcunNheDve8f9fUcIeC9gxpzh0&e=
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