Hello,I'm finding php client too slow returning big result sets. I'm using php client i i downloaded from http://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/sources/Latest/ MonetDB-11.13.3.tar.bz2 Some benchmark down, anyway of get the results faster?LIMIT 50K[root@monetdb examples]# php simple_query.php 9[root@monetdb examples]# time mclient -u adctest -d adctest --statement='SELECT * FROM summary_sent LIMIT 50000' > res.txt password:real 0m4.566s <- already counting with some time to password inputuser 0m1.272ssys 0m0.132s----LIMIT 100K[root@monetdb examples]# time mclient -u adctest -d adctest --statement='SELECT * FROM summary_sent LIMIT 100000' > res.txt password:real 0m7.184suser 0m2.545ssys 0m0.266s[root@monetdb examples]# php simple_query.php 18----------Code:[root@monetdb examples]# cat simple_query.php <?php require '../lib/php_monetdb.php';$db = monetdb_connect("sql", '', 50000, 'adctest', 'adctest', 'adctest') or trigger_error(monetdb_last_error()); $start_query_monetdb = time(); $res = monetdb_query($db, monetdb_escape_string('SELECT * FROM summary_sent LIMIT 100000')) or trigger_error(monetdb_last_error());while ( $row = monetdb_fetch_object($res) ){}$time = time() - $start_query_monetdb; echo $time . "\n";/* Free the result set */monetdb_free_result($res);/* Disconnect from the database */if (monetdb_connected($db)) { monetdb_disconnect($db);} -- Eduardo Oliveira ITEmail: eduardo.oliveira@adclick.pt Web: www.adclickint.com