Hi Tony, On 15-02-2012 14:12:15 +0800, Tony wrote:
How can I recover from a crashed database?
I got this error when I restart a running database ‘dw’, Do you have any ideas on this?
I selected the two most important lines from your log:
2012-02-15 13:59:28 MSG merovingian[27007]: database 'dw' (27831) was killed by signal SIGSEGV 2012-02-15 13:59:28 ERR control[27007]: (local): failed to fork mserver: database 'dw' has crashed after starting, manual intervention needed, check monetdbd's logfile for details
This is quite unconvenient. Your database won't start any more, most probably because the data is in a state which makes the server crash. In order to help us to deal with this issue, the following questions: How large is your dbfarm (could we e.g. download it). Could you compile monetdb with --enable-debug and run mserver5 separately in gdb? We need a stack trace at least. If you could tell us what's in the database (how many tables, how many columns, how many rows, constraints, keys) and what you did as last thing before it went wrong, that might give us clues as well. Last but not least, if you can reproduce this in a way, we'd like to know how.