Hi, I investigated further, and actually I cannot get any CSV file working with monetDB's COPY INTO on Windows. Hannes filed a bug report today: https://www.monetdb.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3484 However, I tried other things since his/our attempts, e.g. removing the final end-of-line (EOL, still CRLF on Windows) or switching EOL to LF only for the temporary file (and changing the COPY INTO call's delimiters too, of course). Neither helped. Still the same error: Incomplete record at end of file. (Which I am not sure whether it literally means the end of the source textfile or simply the last line before breaking.) Basically, the question is, is there a way to get this working on Windows in Jan14-SP1? Or could someone please verify it's worth downgrading to a previous because it definitely can do COPY INTO? Thanks! Laszlo