On Sun, Jul 09, 2006 at 05:27:17PM +0200, Michael Schmidt wrote:
Hi Stefan,
2 more things:
- I suppose you already posted my mail at MonetDB-users. I can't see them in the archives but I guess they are updated each night, am I right?
I honestly don't know, when SF updates the mailinglist archives, but my mail (quoting your original mail) is (now) in there: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=21306336&forum_id=42505
- I just tried loading the XML-document using "shred_doc". It's the same error message, so the crash is independent from the query.
hm, strange --- as I just said, it works fine for me on my Athlon 64 x2 running FC4... I'll check another Athlon 64 with SuSE 9.3 later this week... Stefan
Thanks again for your help! Michael ______________________________________________________________________________ Mit WEB.DE iNews werden Sie über die Ergebnisse der wichtigsten WM-Begegnungen per SMS informiert: http://freemail.web.de/features/inews.htm/?mc=021202
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