makes it look like i should be able to do this, but i have tried a few different things and none of them have worked.
in the mserver window, i just want this line to be reduced to 50MB or something very small.
# Found 15.913 GiB available main-memory.
mserver window:
# MonetDB 5 server v11.25.5 "Dec2016-SP1"
# Serving database 'mydb', using 8 threads
# Compiled for x86_64-pc-winnt/64bit
# Found 15.913 GiB available main-memory.
# Copyright (c) 1993-July 2008 CWI.
# Copyright (c) August 2008-2017 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved
# Visit for further information
# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://
# MonetDB/SQL module loaded
here's what my database.bat file looks like:
@echo off
set MONETDB=C:\Program Files\MonetDB\MonetDB5
set PATH=%MONETDB%\bin;%MONETDB%\lib;%MONETDB%\lib\MonetDB5;%PATH%
"%MONETDB%\bin\mserver5.exe" --daemon=yes --set "prefix=%MONETDB%" --set "exec_prefix=%MONETDB%" "--dbpath=C:\Users\damico\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpgBoQzw\mydb" %* --set mapi_port=50001
if ERRORLEVEL 1 pause