Thanks, this little file contains 300.000 records. So your input file must be something like 433 GB I assume that you loaded the file with LOCKED mode, then at least you have a chance without the temporary copies needed.
I sheepishly admit I did not. Apologies, I am new to MonetDB and my background is networks rather than DBs (thus my psql experience). ;-/
With 9 fields of 8 bytes each, your storage footprint becomes easily 8 * 133 GB = 1.2TB, excluding the string value dictionaries. Strings may use less then 8 bytes each when there are a lot of duplicates.
There's a very large amount of duplicates, and also omissions. The footprint I am seeing is maybe on the order of 600-700GB.
To be on the safe size, I would aim for free disk-space of about 3-4TB
OK. This means we'll need to sample our data down to maybe 30% before loading it.
You might consider having a look at http://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Cookbooks/SQLrecipes/storage-model to get a better estimate after loading your small sample.
On it now. Thanks a lot. However, as for getting the database to run again, should I delete the log files as suggested here? Ralph -- Ralph Holz I8 - Network Architectures and Services Technische Universität München http://www.net.in.tum.de/de/mitarbeiter/holz/ Phone + PGP: A805 D19C E23E 6BBB E0C4 86DC 520E 0C83 69B0 03EF