Hi, I just upgraded from the Augst to the Noveber super-ball, and the performance has worsened badly. Example queries on dblp.xml (441 MB): Q0: count(/dblp//author[text()="Michael Stonebraker"]) Q1: count(/dblp/*/author[text()="Michael Stonebraker"]) Query time in milliseconds: August November Q0 1100 4867 Q1 3993 17999 I have compiled with --enable-optimise both times. I query with: mclient --language=xquery --algebra --time < $QUERYFILE Is this performance degradation expected? If so, why? BTW: Is there any way of finding how much disk space a collection uses? Thank you for contributing free software! Klem fra Nils -- http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~nilsgri/ Why is this thus? What is the reason of this thusness? - Artemus Ward