Hi all,

Last week we find a strange case with chinese character and VARCHAR size. We have in our database a field defined with VARCHAR(5) and a chinese string "不要让早把" to be inserted.

If we insert the string with SQL insert everything works find, but if we try to insert via BULK monet throw an error.
I made several test and i need to extend the varchar from 5 to 10 to get the bulk insert working.

It looks like BULK somehow counts bits and not characters ?

I give you some infos if you want to reproduce the case:

create table test.varcharsize4
id int,
varchar105 varchar(4),
primary key (id)

create table test.varcharsize5
id int,
varchar106 varchar(5),
primary key (id)

create table test.varcharsize9
id int,
varchar200 varchar(8),
primary key (id)

create table test.varcharsize10
id int,
varchar200 varchar(10),
primary key (id)

Insert SQL :

insert into test.varcharsize4 values (1,'不要让早把');
insert into test.varcharsize5 values (1,'不要让早把');
insert into test.varcharsize9 values (1,'不要让早把');
insert into test.varcharsize10 values (1,'不要让早把');

BULK Line to insert :


BULK executions :

COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize4 FROM  '/root/test_varchar_chinois'
USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS   '\\N' ;

Result :
Failed to import table line 1 field 2 'varchar(4)' expected in '不要让早把'


COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize5 FROM  '/root/test_varchar_chinois'
USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS   '\\N' ;

Result :
Failed to import table line 1 field 2 'varchar(5)' expected in '不要让早把'


COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize89 FROM  '/root/test_varchar_chinois'
USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS   '\\N' ;

Result :
Failed to import table line 1 field 2 'varchar(9)' expected in '不要让早把'


COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize10 FROM  '/root/test_varchar_chinois'
USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS   '\\N' ;

