On 06-02-2014 08:15:43 +0100, Niels Nes wrote:Do it show any more than that in the logs?
> On Thu, Feb 06, 2014 at 10:05:52AM +0530, Nitin Gautam wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I am parsing my logs hourly as part of cron jobs and then uploading the
> > data to Monet. However sometimes I do see some error messages in the
> > logs
> >
> > unsupported hash algorithms: gorithms: gorit
> We have seen this problem in the past.
> Which version are you using?
I assume this is your log of the monetdb(1) command being used, since
the message is emitted by utils/control.c:control_send().
The message suggests garbage in the buffer, but as far as the code goes,
it should see a properly null-terminated buffer with input from the
server, hence this is confusing. Even more confusing because the server
writes this entire block (the client is reading) at once with nothing
complex involved. Does the merovingian.log file show any errors at the
time you see monetdb failing?
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