22 May
22 May
9:15 a.m.
Hi, With today's Jan2014-SP2 update, I wanted to uninstall and reinstall using the .msi files in Windows Server 2012. (I also wanted to change the install locations, as I have no access to the default location on C to change the bat files and edit where my dbfarm should be.) Maybe because I ran MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-x86_64-20140514.msi before MonetDB-ODBC-Installer-x86_64-20140514.msi, but now the ODBC remove fails, repairing also. A desperate deletion of the entire C:/Program Files/MonetDB, did not make things better, maybe it made worse. Could you let me know how I could proceed with uninstalling the ODBC driver? I do want to have a clean, stable reinstall (under the new location) which I can trust. Thanks! Laszlo