Hello Hanu,Are you sure this is the binary you have compiled or something from a previous installation?
On 01/10/2014 12:26 PM, Hanumanth Maduri wrote:
I have compiled the source of monetdb
~/Downloads/MonetDB-11.15.17$ monetdb -v
MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.1 (Feb2013-SP5)
All the following things were installed in /usr/local/binmalsample.pl <http://malsample.pl> mclient Mfilter.py MkillUsers <http://sqlsample.pl> tomograph
Mapprove.py Mdiff Mfilter.pyc Mlog msqldump Mtimeout
sample1 sample3 smack00 sqlsample.php stethoscope
To me, this sounds like you are missing a dependency for the monetdb5 and sql components in the build.
Please check the output of ./configure, towards the end you should see something like
* Enabled/disabled components:
gdk is enabled
monetdb5 is enabled
sql is enabled
if not, there are most likely dependencies missing.
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