On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 12:24:14PM +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
The "problem" is that we use a single spec file to build several RPMs. Obvioulsy, the -php, -perl, -python RPMs can only be built, if php/perl/python is available on the very system. This is detected by configure, and we convey the configure results to rpmbuild by echoing "%define buildX (0|1)" to rpmmacros in rpm.mk[.in] (cf. top level directory in source tree). This works for building the RPMs from the sources via "make rpm", but does not seem to work for building the RPM from a source RPM.
Hi, This problem still exist, so it seems. Because of the build hassle I didn't upgrade since last year. But my users really want a new version now, so I'm looking at it again. According to SourceForge you still don't do RHEL rpms (which I still find odd as it is widespread and rebuilds are free). Anyways: -- When/How can I do a "make rpm" myself? I grabbed the source. Do I have to do a 'bootstrap' and a 'configure', and than a 'make rpm'? The 'HowToStart' file doesn't mention rpms. -- What's needed for me giving you guys access to build machines? Do you need root access or is a user account just fine given that the needed software is installed? Maybe I can supply CentOS 3/4 and/or i386/x86_64 systems so we can fix this hassle for those who don't think Fedora is good enough. Cheers, -- Henk van Lingen, Systems & Network Administrator (o- -+ Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University. /\ | phone: +31-30-2535278 v_/_ http://henk.vanlingen.net/ http://www.tuxtown.net/netiquette/