Hi, I'm using MonetDB v11.23.13 (Jun2016-SP2). We decided to use MonetDB to store DNA marker data for our plant breeding platform (www.kddart.org) 2 years ago based on MonetDB performance on data retrieval and data update is also good. The use of MonetDB is not purely OLAP. There are lot of aspects of OLTP because people need to load marker data from their genotyping services. We finish integrating MonetDB into the platform and developing more tools for the system. As the platform is getting more mature, we started to do concurrency testing against the system including the part that is relying on MonetDB. Naively, I ran into a concurrency problem described in a master thesis by Rene Tassy (Improving Transactional Scalability in MonetDB). The work done in the thesis is very promising and I would like to thank you all for that. My question in relation to how I would deal with my problem is that what is the time frame for the improved MVCC Optimistic Concurrency Strategy in the MonetDB release? Regards, Puthick