On Jan 04, 2016, at 23:10, Alexander Gordt <alexandergordt@adtelligence.de> wrote:Hey,thanks for your reply Jennie, but what about the other variant with 'constraint'. It generally is more about the 'alter statements' than the 'drop statements'…
I just did a quick search for the keyword DROP to verify that the syntax error you got is expected.
A quick search for CONSTRAINT in both sql.parser.y and the ‘alter statement’ documentation [2] shows that ALTER TABLE … DROP CONSTRAINT should be supported. What’s the problem you got with dropping constraint? Can you please give us the complete SQL scripts to reproduce the problem?
In general: how do you maintain your productive schemas? You don't seem to use the SQL interface - but which other interface should I use instead?
I’m afraid I don’t understand. A.f.a.i.k., schema management is done using SQL, although some features may not be supported (yet).
Best regards,AlexAm 04.01.2016 um 22:44 schrieb Ying Zhang <Y.Zhang@cwi.nl>:On Jan 04, 2016, at 20:05, Alexander Gordt <alexandergordt@adtelligence.de> wrote:Hello together,I’m very new to MonetDB, so please be gracious :)I’m trying to drop a foreign key, what should be a very simple task – but I didn’t manage to do it.The following statement ran successfully – as the result says – but the foreign key is still there:alter table visit drop constraint visit_configuration_id_fkey;I also tried this – but this command is not supported??Hai Alex,I checked our SQL grammar (see sql_parser.y) and the monetdb.org documentation of DROP statement [1], this syntax indeed seems to be unsupported…Regards,Jenniealter table visit drop foreign key visit_configuration_id_fkey;An error occurred when executing the SQL command:alter table visit drop foreign key visit_configuration_id_fkeysyntax error, unexpected FOREIGN in: "alter table visit drop foreign" [SQL State=42000]Execution time: 0.01s1 statement failed.Best regards and thanks for any hints,Alex_______________________________________________users-list mailing list_______________________________________________users-list mailing list_______________________________________________users-list mailing list
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