Hi, I am evaluating MonetDB for OLAP purposes and had some questions about usage: Please, be patient with me as I am rather new to this area... 1. If I were to build a data warehouse in MonetDB, would I have to store data in a different manner than in any other RDBMS? From what I understand, in data warehousing data should be denormalized, but besides that, do I need to familiarize myself with any new paradigms specific to MonetDB? For example, If my firsm sells 4types of vehicles - RV's, small cars, and motorcycles - and I want to create reporting which can be limited to only one of them or all of them put together, would I have to create 3 tables - one for each type of vehicle, but which have the same columns? Say RVs: make_year, size, brand car: make_year, size, brand motorcylce: make_year, size, brand? 2. Let's say I wanted to also keep aggregate information on the purchase of those vehicles, would I keep the aggregate data in a separate table, or use MonetDB to compute it? I guess what I am struggling to understand is: is usage of monet db for a Java developer radically different from other RDBMS's like MySQL or Oracle, or is it the same, and the OLAP strength is only the result of MonetDB's internals? Thanks,